Sunday, February 19, 2006


the past few days were great. great in a sense tt i felt i'd learnt alot... reallie glad to hav to exposure and experience im getting myself to... though at times demoralising... but at da end of da day i managed to achieve wat i set myself to do... failure, i feel, is nothg if i dun feel defeated myself... and i hope i can maintain such learning momentum as long as possible...

have been giving thoughts bout wat i reallie wan for my 21st birthday... although its reallie so unlike me to declare my wants... there's always an exception... lolz... juz an excuse... so here goes da list, not in sequence:

01. SHIRTS... time to get dressed up...
02. SHOES... always a fetish... nike dunk series... adidas sports wear... converse canvas wear... yummy.
03. a new wallet... da 1 im using now is leaking cash severely at an alarming rate...
04. a levi's jeans... dunno why levi's... prob getting brand conscious, but no prob wid guess or zara either...
05. t-shirts... to prepare myself for U...
06. perfume... hmmm... juz feel tt its bout time for it too... esp if i plan to work...
07. cash of 500bucks... so i hav no worries of celebrating wid whoever i wan to... current bank acc.: $121.46... stress...
08. own room... yes... i hav none... and yes... im still slping wid my parents... stress again.
09. pass my driving... so i dun hav to put up wid more abuse from my instructor...
10. TOP PRIZE in 4D... money isnt everything... but it works miraculiously on everything...

last but not least... tt god bless every1 around mi... everythg tt i cherish in life... cos w/o them... there's no more meaning even to another 21st again... amen.


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